2012年2月8日 星期三

pulmonary embolism

Name: XX   F/53 
Present illness:Left chest pain 5 days\No other systemic disease
Risk factorOvarian cyst s/p  operation one year
Chest CT scan:
Filling defects in Lt pulmonary
trunk, Lt inferior pulmonary
artery & branches 
Hampton sign(+)
      Pulmonary embolism with Lt
       pleuris and pleural effusion

1. Pulmonary embolism refers to obstruction of the pulmonary artery or one of its branches by material (eg, thrombus, tumor, air, or fat) that originated elsewhere in the body.
2. Acute vs chronic
3. Massive vs submassive
4. It should be suspected anytime there is hypotension +elevated central venous pressure (or neck vein distension), which is not otherwise explained by acute myocardial infarction, tension pneumothorax, pericardial tamponade, or a new arrhythmia.
特別注意:低血壓合併CVP升高(排除掉acute MI, tension PT, pericardiac tamponade時)

ØPulmonary arterial obstruction --> platelets release vasoactive agents as serotonin -->­ vascular resistance上升
Ø­alveolar dead space 上升--> V/Q mismatch --> gas exchange下降
ØStimulate irritant receptor -->alveolar hyperventilation(過度換氣!)

ØReflex bronchoconstriction -->airway resistance(氣道阻力又上升)
ØLung edema -->pulmonary compliance下降
Ø ­ RV afterload 上升--> RV dilatation, dysfunction, ischemia
ØIf ASD presence --> prardoxical embolism ® Rt to Lt shunt ® severe arterial hypoxemia
大部份死因:進行性又心衰竭-->cardiac output 下降
血流下降因素:梗塞 休克 懷孕 骨盆腔腫瘤 手術前後靜脈阻塞
易形成血栓:凝血因素 sickle cell diz, protein C, S 缺乏 癌症(adenocarcinoma) 口服避孕藥 , nephrotic syndrome, IBD, antithrombin III deficiency
包含的項目:DVT的有無、其他可能診斷、心跳、不動、之前有過DVT or PE、癌症

另外一個發表於內科學期刊的Geneva score
這一分數表多加了年齡、開刀、症狀來預測:症狀有:單側下肢痛、單側下肢靜脈觸痛單側水腫 此外心跳大於74下就越來越差了
Clinical symptoms and signsDyspnea, pleuritic pain, tachypnea (R.R.³ 20/min),cough, hemoptysis, tachycardia, rales, phlebitis, increased P2
Laboratory data

Electrocardiogram:Right ventricular strain with an S1Q3T3
Nonspecific ST-T wave change


Normal radiographic appearances
Regional oligemia: Westermark sign
Increase in size of a proximal pulmonary artery: knuckle sign
Elevated hemidiaphragm
  Associated linear atelectasis
Focal consolidation (infarcts)
  Usually basal, rarely cavitate
Pleural effusion
白箭頭間:westermark sign(focal vasoconstriction)

